Friday, 20 August 2021

Walks: Saturday, August 21 to Thursday, August 26


A bit late posting this, sorry. The habit still hasn't kicked in.

This week's theme is "Feelin' Hot, Hot, Hot". A sense an ear worm coming.

As you can see from the screen shots above, the next few days will be hot, and adding in the humid factor will make it even more challenging to get in distances. Consider shortening the walks if you're uncomfortable with the heat, and especially hydrating well before, during and after the walk. Post walk gathering will likely be on the grass east of Starbucks. 

For this Saturday morning walker's-choice distance, an option may be an earlier start with the sun being less intense, even though the air temperature will be essentially the same. Regardless, walking near the lake or anywhere shady will also mitigate the intensity. If you choose to start early, please share that on the WhatsApp forum as well as this blog as the notification will reach people in a more timely way.

Please wish Kim a happy birthday! (this Sunday) whenever you see her next.

Weekday walks continue to be in small groups, as this is the safe thing to do. 


Lou-Ann Cox said...

My plans is to at Loblaws at 8:00 for a walk (not quick or not long)...hope I have some company.

Bob thanks again for keeping us informed and together!

Barbara Brown said...

I won’t be out in the morning, have a good walk.

Kim said...

I am walking tomorrow and would prefer 8 am—but I am open.

Anonymous said...

I plan to be at Loblaws for 8 am.

Barb S.

Susan said...

I'll be out at 8:00 am for a turtle walk with Lou Ann and others - not too far and not too fast. But don't wait for me if.....

Leverne said...

I’ll be out at 8

Helen said...

The people have spoken. We’ll be out at 8, too. Distance, TBD.

Olwyn said...

Hot, Hot , Hot! Going for a short and not fast walk from home this morning - stay cool everyone! Love your blogging style Bob!

Val said...

Thank you Bob, I got it. I'm on the list.

Eileen said...

Hi everyone. I will have to discontinue walking with the group but if it ever becomes safe and open enough to all meet for coffee at Tim's I'll be sure to join you. Right now I have too many challenges with walking to even do short distances. I await the day we can meet for coffee at Tim's.

Good luck to the serial racers and happy trails for those who walk shorter distances.
