Friday 12 February 2016

Walks - Sat. Feb. 13 - Wed. Feb. 17

 From the Spit
Baby, It's Cold Outside - so bundle up and join us Sat., at 8:00 am, at Tim's for a distance of your choice. Those training for GoodLife need to complete 10 k on Saturday. Monday and Wednesday distances are 6 k each. Try to include hills and intervals on one of the the training walks - you'll be glad you did come race day.

There are some other options this Family Day weekend for walking:
Join a small group of us who walk Sunday morning, 8:30 am, at the Running Room on Queen St. E. 

Monday is a holiday so I suggest walking in the morning, from Tim's 2, at 9:00 am. Tim's 2 is at the south-east corner of Vic Park and Gerrard.  If you prefer to walk Monday evening, sign in on the blog and let others know your plan - location and time.

Wednesday night, at 7:00 pm, from Occasions.

I think a small group of day time walkers meets once or twice a week - contact Dawn for details.

Last Sunday, many of us enjoyed a lovely brunch at TKOs with great company. Thank you, Dawn, for arranging the event - always yummy! And, of course, thanks to Charlotte, our money lady. It was so nice to see Ian and Trish at the brunch - both have been sidelined for some time by health issues - we're glad that you are on the winning side.

Safe travels to several who are enjoying time in other parts of the world. Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery to anyone who is injured or ill - we miss you all.

Rainer - how was your race in Sarnia last weekend? Did you make us proud?

Announcements: from Susan & Libby - are you doing one of the challenges for 2016? Are you keeping track of your distance? Do you want to submit your distance log monthly to Libby or Susan? Do you need a copy of the log?  Keep motivated - it is a challenge to meet the monthly distance, especially when life and/or weather interferes. And, don't forget - it is possible to catch up if you fall behind, so don't give up.

From Libby: a few are interested in the 10 K Waterfront race in June, in Toronto.  Want to join in the fun - check it out. Several are interested in the Montreal Rock and Roll race in September - there is always room for more so consider joining us.

Any other race interests?  Let us know.

Lastly, remember that winter is the best time to return if you have been on a leave of absence from walking. We tend to walk shorter distances combined with longer coffee breaks at Tim's. We'd love to see you.

Enjoy the Family Day weekend. I think the art installation will be on display along the boardwalk - always interesting - not sure if it will be ready for Saturday's walk but we'll be sure to plan a route in that direction soon to check it out.


Anonymous said...

Sorry too cold for me this Saturday! Hope to get out to Tim's 2 on Monday morning.


Trish said...

Tomorrow morning I will enjoy my coffee wrapped up in my flannel pj's and new quilt. Bundle up for those who are heading out.
Hopefully able to be out Monday for a short stroll but will check in later. Happy Family Day weekend to everyone.

Anonymous said...

I too am planning a duvet day tomorrow but hope the weather warms up enough for a walk on Monday.

P Dawn said...

I expect to be at Tim's tomorrow morning for a brief walk northwards. Possibly only as far as Loblaws.....

Will be wearing all the clothes in my closet!

Olwyn said...

I won't be out Saturday morning, I'll be catching up on some zzzzz's! Lovely photos Helen; and happy walking to everyone brave enough to head out there; bundle up! Dawn, you'll be warm wearing everything in your closet!

Libby said...

I am not venturing out tomorrow. Will meet you all at Tim's 2 on Monday. Plan my long walk Sunday when the weather warmsc

Lou-Ann said...

So many chickens in this group, however with that being said I will be out Saturday but probably for a very short distance at a fast pace (who am I fooling... fast pace).

Helen said...

I think we'll follow Libby's lead -- staying home Saturday, long walk Sunday (time TBD). Unsure about Monday, but will sign in later to declare.

Olwyn, I can't take credit for the lovely photos -- I think they might be Susan's?

Stay warm, everyone!

Susan said...

As of now, I'm coming Saturday morning, for a short distance only. I have to be on the road by 9:00 am. I figure I might just join Dawn with a walk from Tim's to Loblaws. I think we can make it that far without freezing. :)

I plan also to walk from the Running Room on Sunday and to walk from Tim's 2 on Monday - need to keep my distance up for the challenge.

As for the photos, I think the top one is mine; the bottom one is Olwyn's - she always has a great eye.

Sharon KJ said...

I, too, am thinking of staying indoors tomorrow morning. I do think I may venture out on Monday morning though. Only time will tell!

Anonymous said...

I plan to be at Tim's Saturday morning for a quick walk.

Barb Shand

Susan said...

Going to pass this morning - will walk during the day - enjoy your Family Day weekend.


Anonymous said...

I'll be out on Monday - when it is supposed to be relatively balmy.


Susan said...

I'll be out Monday at 9:00 am. Looking forward to seeing you then.

Happy Family Day - enjoy the long weekend.

Unknown said...

I'll be out on Monday.

Anonymous said...

Sharon and I will be at Tim's 2 Monday morning.

Barb Shand

Helen said...

Unfortunately, Bob and I won't make it out to Tim's2 on Monday morning. We have company coming for lunch, so we'll get in our walk from home before they come. Enjoy your walk, and hope to see you on Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

My plans changed as well, cannot make it out this morning. Happy family day and see you Saturday.


Deanna said...

I will see you all at Tim 2 this morning.

Helen said...

I'm of two minds about walking on Wednesday. On one hand, I need the walk. On the other hand, if the temperature dips as predicted, today's thaw might turn into a sheet of ice. I'll check in later to see what other brave souls think.

Susan said...

Since I have the option to walk during the day, in the sun, I have done so - it is a bit safer underfoot, I think; I won't be out tonight.
Enjoy the fresh air and exercise - remember, it is all good.


Helen said...

I think I'll skip Wednesday evening this week and aim to do my 6K tomorrow at lunchtime. Hope to see you all on Saturday.

Anonymous said...

It's already starting to be quite icy out there so I will not be out this evening. Hope to be out on Saturday.