Friday 16 September 2011

Walk: Sat. Sept. 17 @ Tim's

Today's post brought to you by a sport bean... just one of the odd characters you sometimes meet on the boardwalk. Sorry for the late posting, it was one of those weeks!

Saturday, we meet at 8 am – note the later start, 8 am – for a mere 8K. Dress for the weather; a high of 10˚C.

Happy birthday to Fiona, wherever you are. You know where to find us. Hope you have a great day.

Our September races will soon be upon us. We've trained through the heat of summer, and now this sudden (welcome) fall. So feel strong as we head towards accomplishing our goals. Think of those medals clinking!

See you Saturday. Er, that's tomorrow!

P.S. Tomorrow is the Windfest kite festival in the Beach. It starts at noon, but we might see them getting ready… in case you want to return to see the fun.


Trish said...

8 for 8 sounds great!

Barbara said...

We have CPI training all weekend, at school so I will be on my own late Sunday doing 8km. So glad it's not 18! Hope this morning's walk goes well.