Wednesday 10 November 2010

Walk: Sat. Nov. 13 & Party!

A salute to the many volunteers behind the Shore Things 10 + 10. Thanks, gang!
We'll have a fine fall walk. Does 8K sound good? Then a quick coffee and we can go get cracking on our pot for the pot luck. No, not that kind of pot.

Last I heard there were still a few names missing from the RSVP list that I'd've expected to see there. Ask: did I RSVP a) by email and b) to Norma? If not, please do. More than just swizzle sticks depend on this info. Remember to wear your medals on Saturday evening, too.

Shore Things are registered for these upcoming races – maybe you'll want to join them. Links to the races and lists of our participants (see the Races Interest List) are on the blog:

Tannenbaum 10K, right here in the Beach, Dec. 12th (over 75% sold out)
Resolution 5K at the CNE, Dec. 26th (fees go up after Dec. 1)
Robbie Burns 8K, Burlington, Jan. 23rd (often sells out quickly)

Last weekend, at the Angus Glen 10K, Rainer was initiated into the guiding role by Arlene, who was going for a personal best. It looks like they and Margy all had blazing times. Here's Rainer's report:
Margie came in strong and looking great (as usual) with a time of 1:21:13 chip time. Alene and I came in at 1:11:12 chip time and had been told by a couple of other walkers and a race official that we were the first walkers in. However, Sportstats results showed us in 6 & 7 position. We spoke to Sara Stirling (Race organizer) about this and heard the same old stuff... how can we control... we don't have can we know who is walker and who is runner....same old stuff. We were looking at a couple of pics that are already posted (really fast) by photographer and it is obvious they were runners (or run / walking). Will send Sara some feedback and hopefully it helps for next year.
I was sore after race. Arlene is a fast walker and I had a hard time trying to keep up with her.....and she asked me if she was holding me back. So Arlene was first overall walker (as she beat me by 2/100 second). I hope I can get Sportstats posting reversed as she deserved to win the race, she walked a very strong race.
We can all help educate people (and race organizers) about what it means to walk a race. Running with a walk break, or walking with a run break, is not walking. It could be as easy as putting a sentence on the registration info: Walkers walk, 100% of the time; if you'll run any part of the race, please register as a runner. It's really as simple as that. Spreading the word will help reduce the number of people who I believe in all innocence register mistakenly as walkers.

This was meant to be a short post, and now look at it! One last thing: Happy birthday to Libby and Yuen! Hope your day is sunny!

See you on Saturday, friends.


Helen said...

I forgot to say: Bob has already registered for the Around the Bay 30K. Any takers?

Also, Bob, Lucy and I are thinking of the Chilly Half next March... Rainer gave it the thumbs up last year with the new waterfront course. What do you think... is it time to retry?

See you on Saturday.

P Dawn said...

I won't be at Tim's on Saturday, as I'll be out of town. However, I am returning in time to make and take a pot to the party in the evening.

Congratulations to the Angus Glen group - very well done.

Trish said...

My clothes are ready but I am turning the alarm off. If I wake up I will join you. If not I will be ready to party in the evening.