Monday 14 June 2010

Walks: Mon. June 14 & Wed. June 16

Your eyes aren't in need of cleaning; this picture is blurry... from trying new a way to photograph the group without making them stop for another (sigh!) photo-op. It was taken backwards and at arm's length over my head. Blurs (and lousy framing) notwithstanding, you can see that it has resulted in at least two happy waves. Clearly, I need to perfect this technique.


Reykjavik Half and Chicago Full: 6K
Reykjavik Full: 11K

When weeknight walks go over 10K like this week, it might make sense to break an 11K into two parts – do part with the group (6K here), and a tempo training walk on the other part later in the week.

What is tempo training? It's where we warm up for one or two kilometers, then pick up the pace, and maintain it for a long interval, before cooling down at the finish. How fast is fast? It'll be different for everyone, but as a general rule: you should have a hard time having enough breathe to carry on a conversation. Let's do it together this week, then you'll know what it's all about. 

Here's a link to an 11K route if you prefer; note the turnaround for 6K. Or, here's a link to a 6K route, with easy places to break for warm up and cool down.


Chicago Full: 5K (would normally be tempo... but you'll have done that Monday)
Reykjavik Half: 6K, with hills
Reykjavik Full: 8K, with hill

Here's an 8K route We'll stop at East Lynn for some hills, and continue our distances from there. 5K turnaround is West Lynn; 6K is coxwell.

See you 7ish.


Lou-Ann said...

I won't be out tonight as a staff BBQ I'm going to.

Olwyn said...

I'll be away this week; but back for next Wednesday's walk; have a good week, everyone! Olwyn (...wish me luck visiting my mother-in-law!)

Helen said...

Phew, where did this heat come from? I'll be at Loblaws tonight at 7.

Olwyn, have fun, chez MIL.

P Dawn said...

I probably won't be at Loblaws tonight but hope to see you at Shopper's on Wednesday.

Helen said...

Hoping to be there on Wednesday, unless the wind whips up something severe in the weather.