Thursday 17 June 2010

Walk: Sat. June 19 @ Tim's

Reykjavik full marathon training now gets serious: our scheduled walk is just shy of a half marathon. As the day will be hot and very humid, I'd be willing to start at 6:30. Any takers?

Here's a link to our 21K route. Despite the direction indicated, let's do the bit up Leslie first, so we won't be tortured by having to walk past Tim's when we're tired and hot.

These are all our distances:

Reykjavik Half: 10K
Chicago Full: 11K
Reykjavik Full: 21K

Everyone else, come out and have fun. Regular start time is 7:30.

Here's a link to that eye-opening lecture on YouTube, about the negative health impacts (and frightening ubiquity) of fructose. It's about 1.5 hrs long, but you don't have to watch it all at once. The science is all there and the statistics are chilling. If you've ever wondered why you don't lose weight after all the walking, this might give you some of the answers.

Don't forget the Through the Garden Gate garden tour this weekend in the Beach. Peek into 26 gardens – some of which we walk past. The two-day pass is only $10 more than the one-day, and might be a smart buy. The fathers in your life all like gardening, don't they?

Happy birthday to Rainer on Saturday – and to all the dads, everywhere, an advance Happy Father's Day. And if we don't see you Saturday, have a great weekend, and great walks, wherever you are!


Anonymous said...

Happy walking everyone!...I will not be joining you on Sat because I'll be busy participating in a Street Sale! Also Monday I'll be at my Boot Camp so I'll see y'all next Wed.! Cheers, ag

Eileen said...

I'll be there - ready to do either 10 or 11k

Anonymous said...

Ditto Eileen...where's the street sale Alexis?

P Dawn said...

I'll he at Tim's at 7.30 on Saturday.

Libby said...

I'd prefer to start at 7 - hopefully some other chicago"ites' will join me for 11k. Ruth and Arlene plan to start at 7 for their 21k.

Anonymous said...

Maureen and I should be out on Saturday for 7:30 for 10 or 11 km.

I was viewing the video on Youtube about fructose and sucrose. Very, very interesting but it stops at 50 minutes and will not continue. Has anyone else tried to view it and did you encounter any problems?

I also went through my cupboards and was appalled at how many foods contained these sugars!


Jan said...

I'll be out at 7:30 - still trying to decide on distance - probably 10 or 11

Helen said...

After my experience doing 19K in the heat two weeks ago, I'm going to go with my instincts and start early. If I can talk my husband into it, I might even begin at 6 am.

The Humidex on Saturday is expected to go up to 39... please hydrate well on Friday.

Helen said...

Given the strong likelihood of thunder and lightning for the 21K walk tomorrow morning, I've created an alternative route that doesn't take us onto the Spit.

Hopefully, this link should work. If not, please copy and paste it into your browser. I'll add it to the list of routes for the Chicago group to reference later:

Lou-Ann said...

I will not be out Saturday as nursing my daughter back to normal, what ever that might be. Surgery went well and is now resting at home. Happy walking friends!

Anonymous said...

I will be there for 7 am, for the 11k walk.

Barb Shand

Anonymous said...

Did a long walk last night in sandals(Jarvis to Kenilworth). My hip is letting me know never to do that again in the wrong footwear.

May take a pass tomorrow if it's still giving me trouble.

Stacey said...

I'll be out at 7:30 for 10 or 11K. Too many demands right now for 21K, but I want (have) to do something!