Sunday 9 November 2008

Walk: Mon. Nov. 10 @ Loblaws

This shows one reason why we're so lucky to walk in the Beach. Another is the people we walk with -- many of whom were out in numbers last evening.

Now I'll get the walk part out of the way early: Monday's weather might be rainy, so we'll aim for a brisk 6K. See you at 7 pm.

Thanks again to our kind hosts for making us welcome in their lovely home on Saturday evening -- especially as they'd both spent the day banging nails and wielding drills at a Habitat for Humanity build. Wow.

Thanks also to the awards committee: Ruth (with help from Henry), Cheryl, Sharon, Cynthia and, humbly, myself. And thanks to everyone who brought the yummies. Recipes have been requested -- so send them along. Perhaps, next year, a recipe book is in order?

As for races next year, I'll be issuing a series of blog posts, one for each season. Please note your interests as comments. If you're really blog-averse, reply to the email you receive. That will come directly to me, not the group, but I'll collate the info. Once we have identified some group activities, I might use the online poll feature to gauge numbers.

Some photos from our party are now on Flickr. You'll see a few in our Flickr badge on the website. However, you'll have to sign in to see the whole set. Please add your images to the site. If you don't know how to do either of these things, reply to this email and I'll remind you. Then, please, I beg you, save the instructions somewhere safe.

Orders for the Shore Things 2008 book and calendar: If you weren't at the party, you can still order our 2008 photo album and calendar. It will be approx. $70 for the book and $30 (or a little less) for the calendar. I have 23 calendar orders now, so we'll likely qualify for the 10% discount for 25+. With 12 book orders so far, it looks like the $70 price will be fixed -- contingent on U.S. currency exchange and shipping costs. As I want to upload these only once, give folks till the end of November before ordering, so get your orders and cheques (not cash) in, please.

See you all Monday.

1 comment:

Helen said...

See you there -- though Bob is running a little late.