Thursday, 29 July 2021

Walks - Saturday July 31


Together again!
Well, here we are at the mid-point of the summer. From my vantage point, so far it’s been a good one.

Join us on Saturday for a walk. We will meet at 8:00 am at Loblaws, determine the route and head out. Greet your friends, get some exercise and finish with a morning coffee. A great way to kick off the long weekend. Sign in to let others know your plans.

And, speaking of plans, is anyone interested in walking Monday morning? Give it some thought, chat it up on Saturday and let’s see what happens.  Maybe some of the others will join us that day? We can suggest a start time and location in the comments section.  

Smiling faces!

Enjoy the long weekend and see you Saturday. 


Helen said...

Looks like Saturday will be a fine day for a walk. See everyone at 8 am.

Unsure yet about Monday. Often on a long weekend we’d meet at Tim’s 2 at Gerrard and Vic Park and start a little later, say 9 or 9:30. But I’d be happy to hear other suggestions.

Lou-Ann Cox said...

I plan on walking on Saturday with the turtle group...enjoy today's beautiful sunshine and a tad cooler weather (no humidity....yeah)!

Olwyn said...

Lovely photos of lovely ladies (and gents!). I'm in Halifax this week, so will be walking here; but have a wonderful long weekend!

Susan said...

If all goes according to plan, you'll find me walking behind Lou-Ann with the turtle group. Please don't wait for me.....if plan goes astray.

Looking forward to seeing everyone.

Anonymous said...

I will be out on Saturday morning at 8 with the turtle group.

I hope to be out on Monday morning at Tim’s 2 as well.

Barb S.

Val said...

See you at 8.
Guess what group I'm going with...

libby mchardy-hall said...

Ruth, Arlene and i are taking Lee Scott's summer classe on Saturdays. Hope to join the group if any walk Monday.

Kim said...

I’ll be there tomorrow (Saturday) and would be interested in walking Monday morning. (“Turtle group”. 😂🤣. Who came up with that name?)

Barbara Brown said...

I will be out tomorrow. See you at 8,

Leverne said...

I’ll be out Saturday

Eva said...

Barb and I are planning to walk on Monday. What time is the meet up at Tims2?

Susan said...

I plan to walk on Monday, at 9:00, from Tim's two. Hoping for some turtle company. Please....

Libby said...

I’ll be at Tim,s 2 assuming a 9 am start

Barbara Brown said...

Sounds good ! I plan to be there also. See you at 9 tomorrow.

Jan said...

I'm in for Tims2 at 9 tomorrow morning

Lynne said...

See you in the morning.

Helen said...

We’ll be at Tim’s 2 at 9. See you tomorrow.

Eva said...

Yes, you've got turtle company. See you tomorrow.

Kim said...

I’m coming to Tim’s 2 for 9, too. 😊

Leverne said...

I’ll be there