Monday 2 May 2011

Walks: Mon. May 2 and Wed. May 4

Our Wow class. Tee-ed off by intervals, as you can see by what we're holding.
Mississauga Half racers have 10K & 10K this week; Toronto Women's Half, 8K & 10K. The rest of us mortals can please ourselves, starting at 7 pm from Loblaws.

In between those dates, on May 22nd, Rainer reminds us of the new Whitby Half Marathon – I'm assuming you're doing it, Rainer? – which also has 10K & 5K events. They have a walking category, but will need more than 12 walking participants to retain it with separate timing. If we don't have time to prepare for the race this year, then let's put Whitby on our radar for next spring, for people looking for a late May event. It's always good to switch things up, and Whitby is nearby.

Rainer wonders if anyone is interested in doing the Alfie Shrubb this year? It's June 5th. They've added a 5K event in addition to the 8K Classic. It doesn't look like they have a walkers' category, but they do have new mid-pack prizes for both events.

Happy Birthday, Cynthia! Wow, you got a federal election for your birthday. I hope you get the government you want – and a lovely day, besides.

Remember to vote today, everyone! I don't care who you vote for (okay, I do, but that's not the point), just vote! It's a freedom that people in some other countries would die for.


P Dawn said...

not today or Wednesday for me.

Helen said...

Hi, everyone,
I won't be out tonight or Wednesday, due to work and doc commitments. See you on Saturday for our last Wow class.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful day for a birthday (Cynthia) and a lovely night for a walk. Maureen and I (just the two of us) took a walk from Loblaws this evening, incorporating a couple of hills. We were out for an hour and we worked hard (considering neither of us has been out on a Monday evening since January).

To the Sporting Life crowd, congratulations!

Hope to see more folk out on Wednesday.


Trish said...

I won't be out this Wed - celebrating daughter's birthday a day early. Hope to see you all Saturday.

Anonymous said...

won't be out Wed - doc that night
but I will see you on Saturday for WOW class

Anonymous said...

I also have a doc on Wed evening. Hope to be out on Saturday, weather permitting.


Anonymous said...

is anyone interested in doing 10k tonight?

Helen said...

Leverne, don't you have a documentary tonight?

Bob & I will be at Hot Docs on Wednesday. Looks like a night evening for a walk, though.

Anonymous said...

I do have a doc, but it doesn't start until 9:45, so thought I might get my 10K in if I start early enough, but it might be too rushed. Never mind, I'll just relax tonight until my doc.

Anonymous said...

I do have a doc, but it doesn't start until 9:45, so thought I might get my 10K in if I start early enough, but it might be too rushed. Never mind, I'll just relax tonight until my doc.