Sunday 24 April 2011

Walks: Mon. Apr. 25 & Wed. Apr. 27

Part way through our striptease on The Spit
For those lucky kids who get the day as a holiday, there's a change of time and location for Monday: 9 am from Dawn H's. Let us know if you're coming. Or, let us know if you'll be out for Monday evening from Loblaws at 7 pm as usual.

Wednesday, we'll be back to normal. The Mississauga Half distance is 10K for both days; the Toronto Women's Half distance is 8K for both. If you aren't doing either race, you set your own distance. There's usually someone to join you, so don't be shy.

Warm weather is back, so break out the light clothing. We overdressed and were casting clothes off left and right on Saturday. Luckily, the Spit had handy trees and poles on which to stash our gear, but we won't be so fortunate on our weeknight routes.

Lee Scott has a challenge for those doing the KW Half – she dares us to do the 25K Run for the Toad the following weekend (Oct. 1). Finishers for both will receive a special medal and t-shirt from Wow Powerwalking. There are only 130 spaces total for walkers in the Toad, and a surprising 5 or 6 of us (among whom: Dawn H, herself) have signed up. So if you're interested, hurry. We'll be training for it over the summer.

Happy birthday to my own darling husband! How did you manage to get a long weekend for your prezzie? P.S. There's this stuff in the yard I need your help with.


Jan said...

In a moment of madness I signed up for the "Toad" - peer pressure! Guess that means hills and intervals this summer...better get my heel fixed.

Trish said...

I will see you at Dawn's at 9am.

P Dawn said...

Happy Easter/Passover to all.

I am wondering who this Dawn is who signed up for the Toad too. I couldn't pass up Lee's 'carrot'!! There are already eight of us signed up. I had better not make any plans at all for the summer.......

Anonymous said...

Running over the Toad is going to be so much fun. First we have to find the little, well, toad. What a bunch of troopers! And Ruth, it's okay. I believe you when you say that you will be away that week.

Maureen is back and we'll both be at Dawn's tomorrow morning.

Happy Birthday, Bob. Hope it was a good one. And happy belated Bunny day to everyone.


debbie said...

Welcome back, Maureen! You haven't missed a thing weather-wise so far this non-spring!

I'm working tomorrow and busy in the evening, so I won't be out morning or evening.

I'm seriously considering signing up for the Toad...figuring I have five months to get ready. (I can't do the KW half because there's a family wedding that day - not mine, I'm relieved to say!)

I checked out some of the Toad race photos from past years and the course looks beautiful. Their post-race lunch (they call it dinner --maybe because by the time I finish the 25 km it will be dinner time) menu looks yummy too!

Has anyone done it who can tell me if the course is fairly even? Or is it hilly? Their FAQs and course info pages do not spell that out.

Enjoy your walks tomorrow!



Helen said...

Bob & I will be at Dawn's. We haven't decided on a distance yet.

Olwyn said...

Happy Belated B'day, Bob! I won't be out Monday/Wednesday this week, due to opera-itis; I've got to get that fixed! (!) Looking forward to seeing the Sporting Life 10k'ers on Sunday! Olwyn

Eileen said...

Welcome back Maureen!
I'll be out Wed evg. Trish...are you thinking of coming?

Helen said...

Watch this space: if it's thundering and pouring, with large hail and tornados, I *might* not be out.

Otherwise, see you at 7.

Trish said...

If the skies look good at 6:30 I will be out tonight. 8k max.
Spoke with chiro about run for the toad. With my knees and hips being what they are he recommended just one race so I will stick with KW.
However he did say to try the off trail training so I will be happy to join the Toadie folks for some training this summer.

Helen said...

The sky looks like it's clearing, so we'll see you soon at Shoppers.