Thursday 4 November 2010

Walk: Sat. Nov. 6 @ Tim's

Clocks go back this weekend, making it extra dark for our weeknights!
Saturday at 8 am, about 8-10K in good company. Sound like a plan? Good.

Remember to set back your clocks before heading to dreamland on Saturday night... you get an extra hour of sleep! But it will be even darker for our weeknight walks. We won't always have a flash camera lighting us from behind. Wait a minute. Yes, we probably will. Me! But not all the time. So get out your reflective gear, put on your sparkle lights. (And, while you're at it, have a look for your Yaktraks, so winter doesn't take you by surprise.)

Next Saturday, Nov. 13th, is our year-end pot luck party at Norma and David's. Please RSVP to our hosts, so they will be prepared.

Any medal suggestions for your friends and cohorts, send 'em my way. Due to a paucity of volunteers (hint hint), I am the entire medal committee this year. As I'm hoping to retire – I would love to pass the baton officially so that we can continue to have our beloved medals (love my subtlety?).

Let me know which races you've signed for, too -- I'm updated our interests list. Check it out on the blog.


Helen said...

Good luck to Arlene, Rainer and Margy in the Angus Glen 10K this Sunday! This will be a first for Rainer guiding for Arlene... have a great race, everyone, and take lots of pics.

I won't be out this Saturday, as I'll be with my sister at the surgeon's. If Bob isn't out (due to report cards) I'll ask Jan to bring the Iceland books.

P Dawn said...

I plan to be at Tim's on Saturday.

Olwyn said...

Hi All, I won't be out walking in the morning, but do hope to be out next week sometime. Have a great weekend, Olwyn

Ruth said...

I'll be at Tim's on Saturday, and with Arlene, Rainer and Margy in spirit on Sunday.


Anonymous said...

I should be at Tim's on Sat morning

debbie said...

Hi everyone,

Miss you all and am looking forward to seeing you at the wrapup party next week.

Meantime, I've just signed up for the Resolution 5k. Could not resist that orange jacket - check it out!

Helen, I'm also in for the Balmy Beach Hair of the Dog (9 km) Jan. 1 - peach schnaps at the halfway point and a yummy chili lunch afterward.

