Thursday 15 May 2008

Walk: Sat. May 17 @ Tim's

A bunch of us descended on Eileen last night, laden with Iceland poppies and ready to plant in the rain. She looks incredibly stylish here in her original motorcycle jacket, but she won't be ready to take it out on the road till she gets her disk issue sorted. Hopefully (oops, Olwyn, I mean "with hope") that will be soon. However, coffee might be a possibility. I know we're sending get-well thoughts to all our Shorely Recovering Things.

Saturday is a free-for-all day, with no officially scheduled distance. Please come out and join us for a social 5K, 6K, 8K or whatever suits you, especially if you haven't been out in a while. I suggest we take The Spit route, for maximum chatting space.

A heads-up for Monday, as it's Victoria Day, Trish has suggested that the Monday walkers meet in the morning, rather than at our usual time. I think this makes sense. How about you?


Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,
I will be away this weekend and won’t be able to walk with you at all! But I’ll walk on my own and send conversation telepathically.
Eileen, I hope you make a speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

I may not be out Saturday morning as I will be driving my daughter to work at 8:00, however I would like Monday morning, so will see you Monday morning at Tim's or will it be the Loblaws?

Anonymous said...

The ladies were fabulous last night!! When Trish asked if she could drop by for a visit I never imagined that later in the evening three people would be planting flowers in my garden and others would be crowded around me in my living room, pampering and entertaining me. What an amazing group of women you are! I can't thank you enough for your kindness and generosity.
With hearfelt appreciation,

P Dawn said...

Sorry, I won't be out on Monday.

Trish said...

I will be out tommorrow morning. Eva will to because she is giving me a ride!!! Right Eva?
Monday - Let's make it Tim's 8:00 because then we can have coffee. Think grocery stores will be closed.

Anonymous said...

I'll be there as long as it's not raining

Helen said...

We'll be there to stretch our legs, even in the rain. Lightning I don't do, but rain...

karin_rn said...

Karin Smith Says,
I'll be out if hubby is back from market run in time. I'll chech on Olwyn too