Tuesday 29 April 2008

Walk: Wed. Apr. 30 @ Shoppers

My friends, the end of another long training period approaches. We have come a long way, literally and figuratively. Give yourselves a huge pat on the back -- or, try a rolling pin on those sore leg muscles, whichever feels best.

The Sporting Life gang will strut their stuff from Lawrence to Lakeshore this Sunday (don't forget to pick up your race kits before race day). Leverne has booked our brunch table, seating 14, at the Hot House for 10 am in the name of the Shore Things. Please email Leverne to confirm if you are coming. Some of the "brunch only" group will arrive on time to secure our spot, and racers should drift over, sparkling with pride (and medals), as soon as you finish.

The following Sunday is the Mississauga Half Marathon. If it isn't pouring, the schedule has us doing 13K on Wednesday. It might be pleasant to do this park route:


There are turnbacks for shorter distances. Bob will be away, so I'll be looking for a companion for the full distance. However, as we've built on the base of winter training and the Chilly Half already, it won't be a crime if we miss one target. Taper begins on Saturday.

After Mississauga, we have a free week, then for the first time in ages we begin a half marathon schedule from scratch, preparing for the Quebec Deux-Rives Half Marathon, August 24th. This will be a great time for anyone who has been out of circulation to begin again, with a month of easy distances. For those who are gung-ho, think of it as an opportunity to focus on form and speed. However, remember that rest is important for your body, too.

Happy Birthday to this week's birthday girls, Lynne and Cynthia. Health, and lots of it, to our recovering friends, to the list of whom we add Nishe (who took a tumble last Saturday and sprained her ankle). Please take care, everyone!


P Dawn said...

sorry, I won't be able to join you on Wednesday as it's my brother's birthday and I'm taking him out to dinner.

Trish said...

I won't be out Wed but hope there will be some wlakers out Saturday morning.

Anonymous said...

as long as it's not pouring, I'll be there, but I'm not committing to the full distance yet

Eva said...

I won't be able to walk today, Wednesday, Saturday and Monday... Hopefully, see you next Wednesday.

Have a great walk.

Happy Sporting Life walk and enjoy the brunch.

karin_rn said...

karin says-spent day in hospital. Connor got his tonsils out. Hubby doing year's end, if I can get out I'll do it...gleefully

Anonymous said...

Sorry I did not make last night. Late at work as it is year end. Etc etc.

Is anyone walking saturday?
