Monday 10 March 2008

Walk: Wed. March 12 @ Shoppers

We literally walked off into the sunset on Monday night. And every day, we'll be getting about 3 more minutes of sunlight -- that's one brighter half hour every ten days.

Our distance is 6K on Wednesday night: follow our usual circuit, turning at Greenwood. I'm using the Missisauga Half schedule for these. However, don't feel you have to do the whole stretch if you're not doing the race -- or let me know which race(s) you are training for so I can provide alternatives.

At least one of us (Brette) has registered for the Wow Powerwalking course I mentioned last time. A few others are talking about taking it, too. Will keep you posted.

Call me a beggar for punishment, but I've also let Bob stare me into registering for the Harry's Spring-Runoff *8K*. We were early enough to have our fees counted as a 100% contribution for prostate cancer research, but the list is filling up fast. If you're signing up for either of the races, look for Shore Things on the team listing. Bring on the hills (and the thaw first, please)!


Anonymous said...

I won't be able to do the Wed walk but will see you all on Saturday.

Trish said...

See you all tonight!

P Dawn said...

I'm hoping to be there tonight.