Saturday 22 March 2008

Concert night: Donna's choral group

On the left, are the details for the Brahms German Requiem, which Donna's choral group is performing on April 5 & 6. Click the image to view at a larger size.

I'd be very interested in catching the Sunday afternoon performance – April 6 at 3 pm (there's also an 8 pm Saturday performance). Anyone else?

If we know our numbers in advance, Donna can order tickets for us and have them ready at the door. She is also looking into the possibility of a group rate for us. We'll have to send her our cheque(s) prior to the performance.

How about it, gang? I'm trying a new thing: there's a Poll in the right column of the blog. Click the date you prefer and Vote -- (I tried to suggest voting more than once if you want more than one ticket; apparently the poll won't work that way, and won't let me change the question now that people have voted, so if you need more than one ticket, just email me). That way, we can quickly see the numbers for our group. Try it!

P.S. There's no reason we can't have two groups. This isn't a vote between one or the other -- just a way to add up how many tickets required for each performance.


Jan said...

I tried to vote twice for 2 tickets but it didn't let me - so add another vote for Sunday for Ray

P Dawn said...

some of us were planning to go on the Saturday evening - so if anyone else in interested in that date.........?????

Helen said...

Hi, guys -- no reason we can't have two groups. It isn't a vote between one or the other -- just a way to add up how many for each performance.


Anonymous said...

I added my vote for Sunday afternoon (one ticket)

Anonymous said...

Oops, double booked for Sunday and I will change my vote to Saturday evg.

Eva said...

I've voted for Saturday. I'm included in Dawn's note of 'some of us'.

P Dawn said...

I didn't know if 'a group' could be going on two different dates.
So, just to confirm, I had Eva, Cynthia, Cheryl, Ralph, Dawn, for Saturday evening, and will now add Eileen. So that would be six (thus far) for Saturday. When I hear from Donna whether or not we get a special rate, I will send her the $ for the names above, and collect from people then.
HOWEVER - if we have to send one cheque to cover the two performances at a special rate, I'm happy to do that too.

sharon said...

I would like to go on Saturday evening, please and thank you.
