Thursday 7 February 2008

Walk: Sat. Feb. 9 @ Loblaws

We're back at Loblaws for this week and next, till Tim's reopens on the 23rd. Meet just inside the store entrance and be ready to set out at 8:15 am.

Can you believe the Chilly Half is just a smidge over 3 weeks away! Saturday's distance is 16K -- a link to the route is below. It's mostly familiar territory, but please bring a copy for yourself. Brette has again graciously volunteered her place en route as an emergency bathroom stop. Details on Saturday.

Remember to bring a snack for refueling. This is the time to try out different things, because you don't want to do anything new on race day. Take it easy, enjoy the view and the company. We're almost at the finish line!


Helen said...

And I forgot to say: Happy Birthday Lou-Ann! I imagine you'll be sleeping in on Saturday?

To everyone else: bring your Yaktrax.


Anonymous said...

Eva, Cheryl and I will be there on Saturday!