Friday 29 February 2008

Saturday @ Tims & Chilly Plans

Happy Leap Day, everyone!

If you want to meet Saturday for a friendly 5K before the race, see you at the "new, improved Tim's (on which jury remains out)" at 8:30 am.

Last minute Chilly stuff:
Jan will be sending out an email to everyone who has contacted her for transportation. We have a finite number of spaces, so be sure you know how you're getting to the race.

I'll be sending out an email to all my race-kit pickup requestees. Most of you have not told me your t-shirt size, so think about that and let me know or y'takes yer chances. If you haven't requested a pickup yet, I'll need to hear from you asap.

Where and when to meet:
Let's meet at the Hilton Garden Inn, the race hotel, by 7:45. (This link will take you to Google Maps -- I've plotted the route from Tim's for privacy's sake. The trip will likely take you longer than what's indicated here.) There's parking at the movie theatres next door. It's the location recommended by the race organizers.

Shuttles leave from the hotel at 8 and 8:30, and from what I can tell the trip to the race start takes about 15 minutes. If we aim to catch the 8 am shuttle we'll still have a failsafe position. (We can leave the rest of your race kit goodies in our car and distribute them later.)

If you miss us at the hotel and if I have your bib, I'll bring the bib to the race start.

Once Bob & I get to Burlington on Saturday, if anything seems to make better sense, I'll call Jan and she can contact you.


Anonymous said...

Have a really WONDERFUL time at the race and the race hotel for those of you staying over night. You will be in my go out "slow, then taper off" thoughts. Take pictures and HAVE FUN !!! Cynthia
PS.There are muddy trenches in the basement and new walls up already. OH BOY, you will all have to come over for a Check It Out glass of wine!

Anonymous said...

Have a great race everyone - and most of all "HAVE FUN".

....and a good weekend to all the "Shore Things Walking Club"



Anonymous said...

Way to Go!!!! Welcome home intrepid friends. James and I are really really really proud of you. Hugs all around!!!