Thursday 8 July 2021

Walks - Saturday July 10, 2021

 Ambitious Ladies Celebrating Another Medal

Join us on Saturday at 8:00 am at Loblaws for a walk with friends. What a treat to be able to walk together and, dare I say, socialize. (I know that some folks will be unable to join us due to any number of reasons - cottages, classes with Lee Scott, injuries, recovering from illness, to name a few.) Please sign in to let others know your plans.

Thanks to Helen for cleaning up and fixing up our blog - take a look at the main page - nice, fresh look - neat and clean. 

Another request - are you interested in walking mid week? Are you already walking mid-week and if so, may others join your small group? Please put your ideas in the blog and lets see what happens.

Got ideas to generate interest in our amazing group? Send them along.....let's see if we can rejuvenate ourselves. Is it time to add a midweek 'explore Toronto neighbourhoods' once or twice a month? Is Toronto Island beckoning. Our ravine system is amazing and just waiting for us to walk it. Have you checked out Graffiti Alley? All ideas are welcome - chat it up, send them in, post in the comments....whatever works.

See you on Saturday. 

Rainy Day Jim


Olwyn said...

The new look of the blog is great; sleek, and sassy! I love the idea of walking Toronto's different neighbourhoods ~ and also a walk on the Island; though I don't know what the ferry situation is these days. I'll be walking with a small group tomorrow (Sat) morning, but wish everyone happy walking and a great weekend!

Lou-Ann Cox said...

There will be a couple of slower pace/shorter distance walkers Saturday starting at 8:00 from far 3 of us.

Anonymous said...

Make that 4 slower walkers...

Jan said...

I'll be at Loblaws at 8 tomorrow ro walk with whomever shows up and at whatever speed! Just need to get put and walk - been a slug this week.

Helen said...

Bob and I will be at Loblaws at 8. See you on Saturday.

Anonymous said...

See you Saturday

Kim said...

I will be at Loblaws at 8 tomorrow. And thank you for this great blog page.