Thursday 17 June 2021

Walks - Saturday June 19, 2021

Photo is thanks to my son - eclipse Join us on Saturday for a walk with friends. So many of us have received our second vaccine, the weather is great, walking with others is good for whatever ails you - so do come out. I'm going to suggest meeting at 8:00 am. Tim's for those who prefer a slower pace and/or shorter route. Loblaws for those who prefer a faster pace and/or longer route. Post to let others know your plans. It helps create a master plan. Just a reminder - this is your blog so please add your comments and suggestions or send them to me to add. Anyone interested in mid-week walks? Your ideas are welcome.


Barbara Brown said...

Hi all, I plan to be out tomorrow at Loblaws. Great that we can meet again!

Stacey said...

Loblaws at 8:00! See you then. 😊

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing everyone at Loblaws tomorrow morning.


Libby said...

Arlene and I will be at Loblaws for 8.

Helen said...

Bob and I will be there at 8. See you soon.

Jan said...

I'll be out at Loblaws at 8 but a short walk - 6-8max.

Jan said...

Spit was so busy last week, maybe we should head to Cherry Beach? Or north?

Anonymous said...

See you at 8

Eva said...

Yay, I am looking forward to seeing you all again. I will join the slower and gentler pace. 😊

Eva said...

Sorry, I’ve posted my comment for the wrong walk date. Just ignore please. Thanks.