Friday 2 October 2020

Walks - Saturday Oct. 3, 2020


Meeting Friends

You just never know who you'll meet, especially near a coffee shop, when out for your morning walk. That special element of surprise is worth the effort to get up and go.

Join us on Saturday at 8:00 am at Loblaws. We meet just outside the south doors. Washrooms are open. Usually there are at least two different groups - some choosing a gentle pace and shorter distances; the other choosing a quicker pace and slightly longer route. And, often there are a few in between. Some take the boardwalk and some take the spit. Likely there is a group, pace and route suited to join in for a socially distanced walk. It is good to be with friends.

1. Download the Covid 19 app - the more people who use it, the better it protects us:

2. Leverne and Helen have signed up for the Conqueror Virtual Inca Trail walk - want to join them? All activity counts (but not cars, Olwyn) towards the distance. Check it out. Here's the information:

3. From Libby and Helen: Consider the Great Lakes Challenge. It is possible to sign up for each lake alone or all five. Check out the website at

Distances can be logged using bike, walking, running or swimming (stationary bike an option?). A great motivator to keep us all walking and exercising in the coming cooler/cold weather. Sign in on the web with your interest. Registration cost is a mere $85 for all five lakes and five medals!.

These opportunities sound inspiring, challenging and provide a reason to get out and move. Folks, I mention this because we may be heading for a long winter due to C-19 - we'll need some activities to keep us moving, happy and in contact (distant contact mind you) with friends. What doesn't challenge you won't change you.

Keep well, keep safe and keep moving. 

Beach Clean Up - thanks for helping


Barbara Brown said...

Hi all,

I will not be out tomorrow. have a good walk.

Helen said...

I’ll be out at 8 hoping for a longer distance. Maybe to the lighthouse?

Lynne said...

I'll join you Helen, weather permitting.

Anonymous said...

LouAnn, Val, Eva and I (and maybe Dawn) will be meeting at Tim’s at 8 am Saturday morning.

Barb S.

Susan said...

I'll be out and able to join in on the walk to the lighthouse, Helen, although, like Lynn, I'll qualify that with weather permitting.

Looking forward to seeing (most of) you tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I'll be there with Arlene and hope to do the walk to the lighthouse. The Great Lakes challenge sounds great - with Canadian content.


Olwyn said...

I'll be walking in a smaller group from the Brickworks tomorrow morning; hoping to take in the coloured leaves. Also, I've signed up for the Women's 416 Race; it's 'virtually' around Toronto, and is 416 Kms! I have already received the Welcome Package; a bag of Pilot Coffee; a mug, a neck warmer, and a necklace; as you finish certain distances, they send you a charm to put on the necklace ~ fun! You have until July 31, 2021 to finish the challenge; and it will keep us going through the winter! Happy walking everyone!

Jan said...

Still not feeling up to par, so I won't be out tomorrow.

Wishing everyone good weather, good walks, good health!

Kim said...

It looks like I have been sidelined for the moment as a result of arthritis in the knee. I have a knee replacement scheduled for November 18. If all goes well it will happen. I will continue to be out if my knee is feeling up to par. As of right now, I am not walking tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I’ll be out and up for the lighthouse on Saturday.

Anonymous said...

Tuesday morning walk from Leverne’s 8am for 6-8k

Susan said...

FYI - Great Lakes Challenge - I've signed up. I chose the Challenge for the 5 Lakes - but with the digital bib or reward or something digital - no medals. Cost $17.00 all in. If you want the medals sent to you the cost is closer to $100 with tax and shipping. No shirt included with either of those options but can be purchased separately. Women's shirts are purple and Men's are green. Lake Michigan - here I come!

That's my update.

Leverne - I'd love to join you on Tuesday for the walk. I'll head home right afterwards. Thanks for posting.

Helen said...

I’ll be at Leverne’s for 8 am on Tuesday. 8K would be my preference.

Barbara Brown said...

I would love to join you tomorrow for the 8:00 am walk.

Lynne said...

I'll be out in the morning.

Jan said...

I'll be out in the morning for 6-8k.

Helen said...

I’d like to walk on Thursday morning at 8 am. Happy to host an outdoor coffee date afterwards. Let me know if you’ll join me.

Jan said...

I'll be out but I think its my turn to host - i havent hosted in a while

Barbara Brown said...

I would love to join you. Thank you!

Helen said...

Okay, we’ll start and finish at Jan’s on Thursday at 8 am.

Also a heads-up that Leverne and I are going to Dundas for a short hike on Friday. Interested? Let us know.

Lynne said...

I'll be out in the morning. I may have to cut my walk a little short. Damn work, so inconvenient.

Leverne said...

I'll be at Jan's

Lynne said...

Change of plan, won't be out this morning. Enjoy your walk.

Unknown said...

I would love to join your wslking group znd wknderdd when your next walk ix- time, dare and location. Regards,


Unknown said...

sorry for the typos


Unknown said...

Sorry for the typos. I am quite literate!

Helen said...

Wendy, the best day to join us is on Saturday mornings. Right now we're meeting in two adjacent spots that day -- in front of Tim Hortons on Leslie at Lake Shore and in front of the Loblaws across the street from there. The Timmies group tends to take a more leisurely pace along the Boardwalk and the Loblaws group goes a little faster and further.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much Helen. I will join you next weekend and look forward. I aporeciate this lifeline as I'm getting stir crazy!!! Happy Thanksgiving. I'm more a leisure walker!