Thursday 15 October 2020

Walks - Saturday Oct. 17, 2020

Last of the Roses

Join us on Saturday at 8:00 am. As mentioned last week, one group meets at Tim's and tends to walk the boardwalk - aiming for 6-8 km most weeks. The other group meets at Loblaws and heads to the spit walking 8-12 km most weeks. Remember fitness is our friend, especially as we age, so let's get moving. Our routes allow us to spread out and be respectful of space while social distancing.

If you are walking during the week, please post the day, time and location of the walk in the comments section of the blog. People appreciate knowing and may be interested in joining in.

Keep safe; be well; keep active.....

Duck Yoga 



Helen said...

I’ll be at Loblaws on Saturday hoping for 12-ish at 8 am. Want to get in the klicks while the fall weather holds.

Susan said...

Ditto what Helen said.

Libby said...

Arlene and I will be at Loblaws for 8am..for whatever distance

Anonymous said...

I’ll be at Loblaws at 8am

Olwyn said...

I'll be walking in my neighbourhood with a smaller group this weekend. Love the duck yoga; is that downward facing duck?!?

Jan said...

I'll be out tomorrow for a distance to be decided!

Lynne said...

I too plan on walking in the morning. Bundled up.

Anonymous said...

LouAnn, Val, Eva, Dawn and Sharon and I will be at Tim’s at 8 am

Barb S.

Anonymous said...

I'll be at Loblaws at 8 - just look for someone in walking clothes and looking sleepy.


Barbara Brown said...

I will be at Loblaws int he morning . Not sure about 12Km Helen!

Anonymous said...

Where are we meeting Tuesday morning

Helen said...

I’ve offered to host on Tuesday morning at 8 am. Distance of 6-8K. Sign in if you’re interested!

Anonymous said...

See you there

Barbara Brown said...

I hope to be there too.

Jan said...

I should be there

Susan said...

Unable to join you folks this morning. ..... slept in a bit ..... enjoy your walk.

Anonymous said...

8am Thursday morning at Leverne’s weather permitting. Please let me know if you will be walking with us.

Lynne said...

I hope to be out in the morning.

Helen said...

I also hope to be out on Thursday morning.

Helen said...

Looks like weather might NOT be permitting on Thursday. I think I’ll have to pass, unfortunately.

Lynne said...

Been out with the dog and got wet so passing on this morning. Anyone interested in walking tomorrow morning?

Anonymous said...

I can’t walk Friday morning but if it stops raining I could be convinced to walk later in the day today.

Helen said...

I might be able to walk later in the day today, Leverne. Forecast says rain might stop 5-ish.

Jan said...

If you go tonight I might be able to join you

Susan said...

Me too - will watch for time and meeting spot.....and no rain.

Anonymous said...

What time would work for people, I’m good with any time.

Helen said...


Susan said...

Works for me. Although I have flexibility if others need a different time

Anonymous said...

Shall we meet at tims2 at 5 or does anyone have a different spot in mind. Providing it’s not raining.

Susan said...

Tim's 2 works for me.

Helen said...

Jan and I will be there.