Thursday 6 August 2020

Walks - Saturday Aug. 8, 2020

Our Half Marathoners

Congratulations to our half marathoners who made us proud last weekend. Well done to all participants. You deserve a medal for training in all the heat. Inspirational.

Any interest in Being Part of a World Record? There are 5 km and 21.1 km routes. Saturday Aug. 29th at 8:00 am - wearing a custom app....Curious?   Check it out here:

Several Shorethings have registered already - some for the half marathon and others for the 5 km. Both distances count towards the world record attempt. Sounds like a blast. Are you in? Join Helen, Bob, Barbara B, Leverne, Jan, Eva, I'm sure there are others .....your name goes here:                   

Saturday walks will continue as usual. It seems most people are comfortable in smaller groups. Please sign in and let others know where you are starting from and the time of your start. Is there a small group starting from Loblaws?

Have you added the COVID Alert app to your phone yet? We'll all be safer if we use the app. It's a good idea.

Half Marathon Rewards


Anonymous said...

Congrats to the half-marathoners!
Val, LouAnn and I will be meeting at Loblaws at 8 am on Saturday.

Barb S.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I surprised that I have the only comment!!