Thursday 13 August 2020

Walks - Saturday Aug. 15, 2020

Shy friend spotted one morning

Yes, get out and walk - you never know who or what is waiting to see your smiling face. Dawn spotted this little friend a week or so ago.

Saturday - it may be hot but we're getting used to that - where do you want to meet and at what time. Who will be at Loblaws for an 8:00 am start? 
Any other starting spot? Time?

I realize that some of us are still hesitant to walk in a group - as long as we keep safe and keep moving - that's what counts. Get some distance, increase your heart rate, walk with a friend, whatever works for you. What doesn't challenge us won't change I the only one gaining weight? Lead me to some hill training.....please.

Did you sign up for the World's Largest Virtual Race (5 km or half)? Let others know so that we can follow your progress and cheer you on. Libby, will you keep and post a list for us?

Barb and Val 


Libby said...

Let me- Libby- know if you plan to do the World's Largest Virtual Race

Helen said...

Some of us will be starting from Kim’s at 7:30 am on Saturday for 8-10k.

Olwyn said...

I'll be walking from Cheryl's tomorrow, so won't be joining the group from Kim's tomorrow morning. Happy weekend everyone, and stay cool!