Wednesday 10 June 2020

Walks - Saturday June 13

Welcome to the Beach

Well, is it wise and safe enough to schedule a walk this Saturday? Let your conscience be your guide. Maybe yes, maybe no.

We could walk in groups of up to 10 people as long as we stay 6 feet apart and stay outside. Coffee, of course, will be more difficult - only take out and where to gather, safely, to drink it?

If you are interested, we could meet outside of Loblaws (south entrance near Starbucks). Rumour has it that their washrooms are open. Senior shopping hour is from 7 - 8 am - likely easier to use washrooms during this time. Really, I have no idea, I'm just making this up.

I suggest staggered start times:  7:30, 7:45, 8:00. Sign in and let others know your choice for start time. Might help to organize the chaos.

I found this info that might be of interest to some of you....check it out:

No pressure - everyone will decide for themselves. Routes? Boardwalk and to Silverbirch and back along Queen Street to check out the new sign?

I hope everyone has kept safe and healthy over these trying months. Looking forward to discovering our new normal.


Anonymous said...

David and I will be there at 7:30 a.m. As for a place to meet outdoors, there is a Starbucks at Queen and Kenilworth which is a short walk to Kew Gardens which has a lot of space and some park benches for social distancing. It only works, however, if the weather is nice!

We have been going to Kew Gardens after our Saturday and Sunday morning walks for our post-walk coffee. It is very pleasant.

Starbucks is open for in-store purchases, or pre-order using their app.


Anonymous said...

David just reminded me that there is also a Tim's across from Kew Gardens.

Olwyn said...

Hi Susan, thanks for bringing the blog back! Eileen looks like a model....or a goddess! Tomorrow morning I'll be walking in Taylor Creek Park with Cheryl, Anita and Trish, but hope to be out to join the gang in a few Saturdays. Norma, that's a great idea to meet after the walk in Kew Gardens, always lovely there. Happy social distance walking everyone!

Charlotte said...

Think I will wait a few more weeks before walking in a group.

Libby said...

Great to see the weekly post again! Thanks Susan.
I will not join any of the groups tomorrow .
(Did a 13k walk today down in the Beach! Super weather!
Enjoy all

Helen said...

As tempting as it is to get together, I’m concerned about Saturday traffic on the Boardwalk. Hope it will be safe to get together soon.

Eva said...

As with Charlotte, I will wait for few more weeks to walk with the group. I've discovered a beautiful trail along the lake to walk. I've seen red fox, deers and enjoyed the singing of the birds. Swans and geese follow us along the shore during our walks. Be safe and be well and hope to see you soon.

Lou-Ann said...

I am glad I was advised of the blog update, I stopped checking it, will start back looking at it...thanks Susan
Too late now for last Saturday, will see what is up this Saturday...

Eileen said...

This is great having the blog up and running again. I doubt I'll be able to walk with the group again (too many physical limitations that look like the new normal) but I would love to meet people for coffee whenever possible. I miss everyone so much!