Friday 26 June 2020

Walks - June 27 and 28

Folks are doing the distance and walking

Are you interested in walking this weekend? Join in. Due to the need to socially distance, we have a few options to suggest:

1. Meet at Loblaws, south entrance, on Saturday at 8:00 am - washroom is open. 
2. Meet at Kew Gardens (Queen, west of Lee) on Saturday - you'll see where this photo above was taken. Washrooms along the boardwalk are open. Kew Gardens has lots of lovely outdoor areas for coffee after our walk. State your start time in the blog, please. 
3. A few folks are considering a walk (14 km) on Sunday. Sign in on the blog if you are interested in joining for part or all of this walk. Location and time to be announced.

Some may wish to start earlier than 8:00 am due to social distancing, heat and distance goal (14 km for some who are training for a virtual event). Be sure to check the comments section for details.

Please be respectful of social distancing within our group and with others we meet along the way. Take the road less travelled.

So nice to see these familiar faces again - keep well, keep safe and soon we'll all be back in action.


Val said...

I'll be at Loblaws at 8 am.

Susan said...

I am unable to join in on Saturday. Will check back to see if there is any interest in a Sunday walk.

Enjoy the weekend.

Helen said...

A group of us is training for the Burlington COVID Half and this Saturday we have 14K on our schedule. But due to the rain forecast on Saturday, we'll more likely meet on Sunday at 7:30 am. "Tim's" is the stated start location, but given Susan's note about washrooms we might be at Loblaws instead. Contact me if you'd like to join in.

Anonymous said...

I will be at Loblaws at 8 am Saturday morning to join Val provided it isn’t raining.

Barb S.

Olwyn said...

I'm doing my distance on Sunday in Scarborough, so will miss the 14k'ers this week; and I'm avoiding Saturday due to forecast of rain! Have a good weekend everyone!

Anonymous said...

Sunday sounds like a good option. I'll plan to be at Loblaws at 7:30.


Helen said...

The COVID-19 Half trainees will be doing 10K on Thursday from Jan’s starting at 7:15. Contact me or Jan if you’re joining us. Saturday we have 16K scheduled and expect to start early. Location TBD.