Friday 20 March 2020

Walks - Saturday March 21 - Wednesday March 25

Peaceful morning light

What to do, what to's all been said before. 
Nothing is normal; 
Nothing will be normal for weeks/months to come.

To Walk or Not To Walk - That is the question.
Even more than last week.

Think carefully
Choose wisely
Add your plans to the comment section
Check the blog comments

Any ideas to share for ways we can communicate, keep active, keep in touch while social distancing?
Add them to the comment section
Your ideas will inspire other ideas
Who will start? 
Is anyone willing to set up a Shorethings WhatsApp group?

A sign of things to come? Sporting life is now a virtual race.
Will you enter? 
Can we form a virtual team and train together?

Your ideas go here......

Keep well, my friends, keep well.

This is not social distancing!
I love how Eileen's hair matches Dawn's coat


Anonymous said...

I would love to be part of what’s app group but have no idea how to set it up..
For the record Eileen and I had be socially distant just before!


Anonymous said...

hello all Shore Things. All those who go walking have a great time, keep your distance and enjoy the out doors. Norma and I are self-isolating after returning from Florida last Sunday.
Keep happy and healthy, David and Norma.

Helen said...

Since we can’t go indoors at Tim’s, why don’t those of us who wish to walk meet in the parking lot at Ashbridge’s Bay — the one closest to the peanut. We can still space ourselves apart if we want, but it might be incentive to get out, weather permitting. Thoughts?

Lynne said...

I am interested in a walk tomorrow but don't like the sound of 'feels like' - 14c so I will wait with fingers crossed that the Weather Network made a typo.

Libby said...

Arlene Ruth and I have tentatively planned to walk from Tim’s / Loblaws tomorrow. We plan to walk the Spit as it is wide enough to social distance as best we can. It will depend on how we all feel, not sick. We will meet at 8. Weather looks promising. Arlene and I will not be exactly social distancing but hopefully this will be okay. No coffee planned.

Susan said...

I am really torn - tempted to join in a social distancing walk - but, I have a tiny new granddaughter in the NIC unit (this is week 5 for her) and I feel a huge responsibility to do my part to reduce all health risks for her while I'm looking after her big sister. So I'll skip group walks.....for now.

Looking for any and all ideas to keep connected virtually.

Keep well everyone.


Barbara Brown said...

I will not be out with thr group for now.
Keep healthy everyone.

Sharon KJ said...

Like Susan, I have my two wee ones to consider. I will pass on the group walk for a while but I won't stop walking.


Barbara Brown said...

I have set up a WhatsApp group but have limited contact it does not represent all our members. Please pass on WhatsApp info or cell phone numbers.. i will do my best to add in.

Jan said...

I am happy to walk from either Tims or Ashbridges Bay. Forecast is -6 but sunny and not too windy. I need to walk off some of the binge-watching I have been doing!

Anonymous said...

I am going to walk from home a bit later in the day tomorrow just because, (well because its supposed to be chilly in the morning). Let me know if anyone is walking during the week. I have been trying to get out everyday. Stay safe everyone.

Kim said...

I would like to walk from Tim’s or Ashbridges Bay . I will be nice to see whoever shows up.

Olwyn said...

Like Trish, I'll be walking later in the day from home; have a guitar lesson in the morning online! LOL! Happy and safe walking everyone!

Helen said...

We haven't decided yet about Saturday. Will confirm in the morning.

Leverne said...

Let's do the peanut at 8 then.

Leverne said...

Actually I'm not walking tomorrow. Hopefully see you guys sooner rather than later

Anonymous said...

I will not be walking in the morning.

Barb S.

Helen said...

Tempting as it is to join the group on the Spit, I think we’d best walk from home. Stay healthy, everyone.

Lynne said...

Won't be out with the group this morning. Take care everyone.

Jan said...

Ok I'm going to renege also - may walk from home later in the day

Barbara Brown said...

Hi everyone, We now have 15 members in our WhatsApp group. Join us for chat if you would like. You need to download the app and send me your cell number so I can add you. (You may leave the group at any time if you wish)

Send me an email to give me your information. Email:

HOpe everyone is okay in the “ New Normal”!

Helen said...

Bob and I will be walking solo on Monday morning. Well, I guess that’s really walking duo. Wish it were otherwise!

Susan said...

I won't be walking either - for weeks, I assume. Keep safe everyone.