Thursday 12 March 2020

Walks - Saturday March 14 - Wednesday March 18

To Walk or Not To Walk?  That is the question.
Think carefully
Consider your own health and the health of others
Choose wisely

Let others know your plans

The Achilles Race, scheduled for this Sunday, has been cancelled.

Just saying, things seem to be getting worse.....take care


Sharon KJ said...

I hope that the virus can be kept at bay by the cold temperature. And so, I would like to walk, as usual, but maybe forgo the social gathering at Tim's afterward.


Helen said...

Sharon’s suggestion seems like a good one to me. So I’ll be at Tim’s (since Canada Blooms has been cancelled) with my hands washed and my face untouched!

Jan said...

I never realized how often I touched my face until I was told not to! I do wash my hands a lot though.
I'll be out tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

As the Achilles race has been cancelled I need to get some walking in. See you all in the morning.

Anonymous said...

I will be at Tim’s in the morning too.

Barb S.

Leverne said...

See you in the morning

Susan said...

I won't be out on Saturday. Seem to be fighting some type of stomach bug.

Enjoy your walk.

Kim said...

I am not walking this morning. I am trying to get over a cold

Anonymous said...

I am not walking Monday, I choose to stay home. Keep safe people.

Helen said...

We’re willing to walk on Monday morning. If no one else signs in, we’ll walk from home.

Jan said...

I wouldn't mind walking.

Susan said...

Won't be walking Monday - still arguing with this stomach bug.

Helen said...

I'm assuming that any walks on Wednesday at 8 am will be from our street. Let me know if you'll be joining us.

Lynne said...

My office is closed and all appointments cancelled so if the weather is ok I will come out.

Anonymous said...

I’ll join you on Wednesday