Thursday, 10 June 2021

Walks - Saturday June 12, 2021

WELCOME BACK - Join in this Saturday as some of us will resume our walks. Consider walking from Loblaws (faster pace) or Tim's (leisurely pace) starting at 8:00 am. Other options? Add them to the comments section. We'll keep the group size compliant with restrictions. A walk with friends - a fine way to start the weekend. Please sign in and let others know your plans. I suspect it may take a few week (or a while) before everyone is comfortable with the return to a group walk. FYI: The blog will be coming weekly now.


Libby said...

lovely photos Susan
Arlene and I will be at Loblaws for 8am. Hope to some of the group there!

Jan said...

I'll be there, either Loblaws or Tim's for 8am

P Dawn said...

How wonderful to be able to start this again. But I won't be able to join either group. I often volunteer at vaccine clinics and this Saturday that's where I'll be, Happy days are on the way.... Enjoy your walks.

Stacey said...

I am so excited to see everyone! I’m opening the cottage right now and if I get enough done today, I’ll be at Loblaws for 8:00! Don’t wait for me though, if I’m not there.

Deanna said...

Both Kim & I will be there. Looking forward to it.

Barbara Brown said...

I am really looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow morning. I will be there at 8 am.

Susan said...

So disappointed to miss this reunion - I'll be out next week with any luck but not tomorrow. So looking forward to seeing everyone.

Helen said...

We’ll see everyone at 8 am at Loblaws. Welcome back, Shore Things!

Lynne said...

Looking forward to seeing some friendly faces again!
See you in the morning.

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures of the stones, and love the fact that the blog is back. I'll be at Loblaws at 8. Thank you for volunteering at the vaccination clinics, Dawn.
