Stairway to Heaven
Join us on Saturday for a walk with friends - get your heart rate up (even a bit) and get some extra distance. Visit with friends outside where it is safe to do so. It's all good. Two groups tend to gather these days - one at Tim's and the other at Loblaws - both start at 8:00 am. We aim to pick routes which allow us to spread out and observe social distancing requirements. Some of the keeners who are entered in virtual races and challenges are always hoping to do some extra distance on a Saturday - if you beg, they may let you come along. Why not?
Helen and a few others are interested in the Juno Beach 8K virtual race on November 11th. This will be a Remembrance Day to remember and what better way to remember - honouring those who fought so that we may live.
Check it out here:
And, just a reminder, there is still time to enter the Great Lakes Virtual Challenge - you can do it at your own speed (or lack there of). Do one lake or do all 5 lakes. It is just another way to keep motivated.
Looking forward to seeing you Saturday morning.
I'll be out at Loblaws tomorrow
I’ll also be at Loblaw’s tomorrow
Love the Stairway to Heaven! I'm walking with a smaller group tomorrow in my 'hood, so won't be at Loblaws or Tims. Happy walking everyone!
I'll be out tomorrow at 8:00. If anyone is interested, we could take a route that includes the stairway to heaven and the Pumpkin cemetery, or not - both work.
I am ok with Led Zepplin, just not the stairs...way to go Niki!
I will be at Tim's at 8:00 for our walk!
I plan to be at Loblaws at 8 wit Arlene
I am not certain i\I will be out, feeling a bit under the weather. So please don’t wait for me if I am not there at 8.
Hope you're feeling better, Barbara.
I'll be at Lola's at 8.
I’ll be out at 8 if it’s not raining
Weather permitting, I will be out in the morning.
I hope to be at Tim’s at 8 Saturday morning.
Barb S.
I am new and would've the get the gentler group Tim's of Loblaws. Regards
Sorry, Tims or Loblaw for the gentler group?
I am at the Tim Hortons at the bottom of Leslie. Is this the right place for the gentler wslking group?
Wendy, I hope you connected with our Tim's group. There was a group out this morning at the time you wrote.
Yes, it was wonderful. Great welcoming group! Look forward to next week.
This last messavd was from Wendy. Having troubld with the ID
woops. Typos
Is anyone walking Tuesday morning? ..... I know, I know, weather permitting.
Meet at Tim's 2 at 8:00 am or ????? I'm game to go.
Last I heard, it was meet at Leverne's at 8 am on Tuesday morning. We've been using that starting point to go into the park. Leverne, still on?
I can't come tomorrow too much work
No confirmation as of yet so I think I'll just walk from home. See you another time.
Turns out I’m not walking tomorrow from Leverne’s as I’m meeting Eileen later in the morning for a walk.
Yes it’s still on at 8 from mine
Let’s start the East End Tuesday and Thursday morning walks from now from Tim’s2 at 8 am, except in special, prearranged circumstances. Less confusion for everyone.
Unfortunately, I am having a blog problem which I’ll have to sort out tomorrow morning, that is on Thursday morning. So I am going to have to miss our walk. If anyone wants to walk later in the day just contact me.
Is anyone walking Thursday morning from Tim's 2?
I'm game......
I’ll walk in the morning Susan.
Helen I can walk after 2 if it's not raining.
I may be able to walk in the afternoon too- but I can't go in the morning.
I can walk in the afternoon. Where are we meeting?
Oops, sorry. I see you were taking about yesterday. 🙄
No Kim we're talking about today
Sorry, folks. I’m also going to have to duck out of a walk this afternoon. By unfortunate coincidence, I’ve done something to my back!! Recovering, but I’d best not risk a relapse. Hoping to be *back* on Saturday.
I cant go either this afternoon- work hell
Is anyone going today Nov 14th. Can't find on my blog. I'm keen
Wendy, you have to look at the current week's post comments. There look to be fewer people signing in for the Tim's walk, but you'd be welcome to join us at Loblaws.
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