Sunday 5 December 2010

Walks: Mon. Dec. 6 & Wed. Dec. 8

Could this be the Shore Things' club lodge?
My fear friends, I'll keep it short: Hope you can come out for in 5-6K on Monday and/or Wednesday! With luck, our calendars will arrive on Tuesday – at which time, I should know whether tax and duty have been applied, and can get the final price to Charlotte.

A reminder about Brette's Silpada party for Maria on Thursday (regrets only).

And, Karin, hope life is being good to you and that you had a super birthday!


P Dawn said...

I won't be able to join you until Saturday 18th December, as I will be in Bermuda.

With the current weather, Bermuda is looking pretty good.....

Trish said...

I won't be out Monday but will be out Wed - right Cheryl!
Santa Shuffle in the valley was great.

Helen said...

Bon voyage, Dawn. Have a wonderful time, and we'll try to save some winter weather for you when you get back.

I hope to be out on Monday night.

Wednesday is my 2nd-last class, so I won't be there – but I'm expecting to send Bob as my proxy.

Anonymous said...

Bon voyage Dawn, enjoy!

I hope to be out tonight for a snowy one.

See you at 7,

Anonymous said...

I won't be out tonight as I twisted my ankle on Saturday and it's still tender. Probably see you on Wed.
Dawn, enjoy the sun, sand and surf and think of us.... shivering

Helen said...

Bob got home late on Monday, so Jan, he and I did our 6K in the neighbourhood. Hope you all had a great walk. Dust off your Yaktrax and roll your feet when walking, as it's starting to get slippery out there.

The first wave of calendars has arrived, and they look great.

Bob said...

My presence is "de rigueur" at a school social, so I don't yet know if I'll be out. If I'm not there by 7, assume I am AWOL.

Anonymous said...

I plan to be there tonight.
See you at 7.

Maureen said...

I am also planning on being there tonight.