Monday 31 August 2009

Walk: Mon. Aug. 31 @ Loblaws

We missed you guys! The brave few who showed up for 16K at 7:30 had a great walk with barely a speck of rain.

Hope to see the Toronto Island Half crew out this evening for 10K. This week is our longest set of walks in this training schedule.

Next week, two things are happening. On Sept. 11th, many of us will be volunteering for the Weekend to End Breast Cancer. A reminder of the details from Michelle:

Our shifts run from 10 am to 5 pm at the Direct Energy Centre in the CNE grounds. Some snacks and drinks will be available, but bringing lunch is a good idea as there aren't many spots to buy food. We'll be setting up tables, putting up signs, etc. So dress accordingly, and maybe bring work gloves.

If you are interested in car-pooling, reply to this email. Lots of parking at the CNE, but it isn't free.

On Sept. 13th, the Island halfers are in taper and it's the Terry Fox Run/Walk. Perfect timing for a walk on Toronto Island, to preview our route and raise money for a good cause. The run/walk starts from the Rectory Café at 10 am, and requires a donation of about $20 (or you can raise donations from friends and family). Let me know if you are interested by replying to this email.


Anonymous said...

Good morning,

I miss seeing everyone but I'm making good progress on my thesis! I will be coming to help set up on the 11th & hope to see some of you then. I had coffee with Trish last Thursday morning before she left so it was great to catch up with her news.

The Big Sur 21 miler!!!!! Registration is tomorrow morning, Sept. 1 at 7:00 a.m. PST I'm planning to register-anyone else???



Olwyn said...

Hello All, I plan to be out tonight for the 10k; and also this Wed and Sat for our longer walks. See you all tonight, Olwyn
PS - Trish has written on Facebook that she's in England, and having a great time so far; walking along the Thames enbankment, and enjoying every minute!

P Dawn said...

I won't be out tonight, Monday, but hope to be at Shoppers on Wednesday. Not sure about this weekend yet, but will let you know.
Now I'm going to try to get into face book to see what's up with Trish.