Monday 17 November 2008

Walk: Wed. Nov. 19 @ Shoppers

It's that time of year when proper warm up and cool down or stretching is particularly important for cold muscles and cold weather. Let's remind each other to do that. (Comic credit to the "for dummies" cartoonist, Rich Tennant, courtesy of Ruth).

It'll be 6K again on Wednesday. Just enough to keep us hot blooded.

Speaking of hot blooded, a reminder that our own speedy guy Bob will be demonstrating his speedy fretwork this Saturday, Nov. 22nd at The Black Swan on Danforth, between Chester & Broadview. The band of Jan's son Alan will be playing warm-up. It has been a great combination in the past, so come out and catch the best of musicianship, emerging and emerged, with an all-originals evening. The music begins around 9 pm. A $5 cover charge goes straight to the musicians.

FYI, Apple has just emailed to say the yearbooks are on their way. Once the charge comes through, I'll let you know the final cost. I'll be ordering calendars next weekend so that everyone who wants one will qualify for the 10% discount. Saturday will be the cut-off date, so please confirm asap.

Failing a blizzard, see you on Wednesday at 7 pm.


Helen said...

Oops! Actually, I won't see you Wednesday after all, as it's a Hot Docs night.

Have a great walk -- 6K takes you to Greenwood and down to Danforth.

See you Saturday!

debbie said...

Hi everyone!

Just want to let you know I've taken TWO plunges and have registered for TWO new races in 2009....
the Fort Lauderdale A1A half, Feb.22...I figure by that point in the winter I will sorely need a blast of heat, and why not fit in a half while I'm at it?
Then...and I'm REALLY excited about this one... I've registered for the Edge-to-Edge half between Tofino and Uclelet on the west coast of Vancouver Island, June 14.


More when I see you on Saturday.



Trish said...

I was hoping to make tonight but....the paperwork never seems to end. The more I do the further behind I get. Doubt I will be home from school on time. Was wondering if anyone wanted to get together for a bite before the big concert Saturday night. Some nice and cheap places close by.