Thursday 5 November 2020

Walk - Saturday November 7


Congratulations on completing the Scotiabank Marathon relay - well done

Join us on Saturday - the weather is predicted to be beautiful - take advantage - let's get out there and hustle. We meet at 8:00 am; one group at Tim's and the other at Loblaws. Route and distance to be determined.

There is a small group that walks from Tim's 2 on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 8:00 am. Join us if you are able. Sign in to let others know if you will be coming - usually we sign in the afternoon/evening prior to the walk.

Remember, this is your blog so if you have suggestions, ideas, or recommendations related to walking, let me know and I can include them. 

Fitness is our friend.

A Sign of the Times


Helen said...

I’ll be at Loblaws at 8 am.

Susan said...

Ditto what Helen said. See you then.

Anonymous said...

I'll be at Loblaws at 8 as well.


Lou-Ann said...

I will be at Tim's at 8:00, along with a couple of others.

Jan said...

I'll be at Loblaws at 8

Anonymous said...

Loblaws at 8

Lynne said...

I'll be out in the morning.

Unknown said...

Love my new group. I have a swlling on my foot that is a little tender. Better pass today. Anyone interested in Tuesday, me know. Have a good walk


Susan said...

Is anyone walking Tuesday morning from Tim's 2? I heard that there may be a change of day this week - just checking.


Anonymous said...

I’ll be at tims2 at 8

Susan said...

Okay, Leverne - I'll join you at 8:00 am.

Anyone else?

Helen said...

Strangely, I thought had commented, but it didn't show up. I'll be there on Tuesday, and I believe so will Jan. We're doing our Remembrance Day virtual event on Wednesday afternoon, so Thursday is TBD.

Lynne said...

I hope to be out in the morning.

Jan said...

I'll be out Tuesday morning

Helen said...

Some of the Juno Beach 8K crew will be walking from Jan’s on Wednesday after 2 pm.

Jan said...

Another thought - Since we're not joining the others for the Remembrance Day walk may e we should just do our normal Thursday morning walk?
I'm easy - I think Lynne wanted this afternoon??

Lynne said...

I don't have to walk this afternoon. Can't go in the morning but don't change plans just for me.

Helen said...

I would have preferred to walk today, but will go with the flow.

Jan said...

OK let's leave it at today after 2pm from my house!!

Sorry to be so messed up - work driving me crazy!

Helen said...

That works for me. Thanks.

Lynne said...

Ok. See you at Jan's.

Anonymous said...

Does that mean at 2 or sometime after 2?

Helen said...

Checked with Jan. Let’s make it 2:15.

Helen said...

I won't be out on Thursday morning. See you Saturday.

Anonymous said...

I will not be out Thursday either

Jan said...

I won't either