Thursday 29 October 2020

Walks - Saturday Oct. 31, 2020



Join us on Saturday at 8:00 am. We won't trick or treat but we are able to walk with friends while staying (getting?) fit. Those interested in a brisk walk with a shorter distance will meet at Tim's.  Those up for a faster paced, longer walk will meet at Loblaws. Walking provides a great journey to fitness. So come out and enjoy the last of the wonderful autumn colours. Social distancing required, of course.

Mid week walks - there is a very small group that tends to walk Tuesday and Thursday mornings, starting at 8:00 am. This group meets at Tim's 2 - check the blog comment section closer to the date for confirmation and be sure to let others know if you plan to join in.

Information from David regarding the spit:

Commercial Filming

Ports Toronto and TRCA are entering into commercial filming agreements for a production that will be using the Endikement Tip as a location. The production company will be on site from October through December for prep, filming and wrap, with filming scheduled for mid-November. All modifications to the landscape will be restored to existing conditions by December. Prep will be taking place Monday through Saturday from 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., with vehicle access restricted when the park is open to the public (i.e. no driving though the park except for exit on weekdays from 4:30-6:30 p.m., and entry at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday and departure at 6:30 p.m. with no travel between these times).

See you Saturday


Olwyn said...

Hi Gang! I'll be walking from the Brickworks with a small group Saturday morning, to take in the last of the autumn colours, as Susan suggested! Have a great weekend and stay warm!

Libby said...

I expect to join the group at Loblaws tomorrow at 8.

Susan said...

I plan to be at Loblaws on Saturday at 8:00. See you then.

Helen said...

I'll also be at Loblaws at 8, dressed for the weather.

Anonymous said...

I hope to be at Tim’s at 8 am Saturday morning.

Barb S.

Lou-Ann said...

Look at that scaredy cat Leverne!
I will be at Tim's for a brisk "winter" walk, I think fall is over folks!!

Anonymous said...

Have a great walk, Olwyn and friends. I'll be at Loblaws tomorrow at 8.


Anonymous said...

I’ll be at loblaws at 8. Lou-Ann, it was scaaary.

Jan said...

I'll be at Loblaws at 8 tomorrow

Unknown said...

Hi! I forward to seeing you this morning at Tim's


Helen said...

I'll be at Tim's 2 on Tuesday at 8, possibly with someone you haven't seen in a while... for a while.

Susan said...

I'm a definite maybe so please don't wait for me. I was out early this morning - so cold, so icy, so windy - I'm not ready for winter yet. All of that to say that I may see you in the morning.

Jan said...

I won't be out tomorrow morning - we have a service person coming g between 9 and 12. If I go out they'll show up at 9. If I stay home, noon!

Helen said...

If it's just Bob and me on Tuesday morning, we'll walk from home. So please sign in if anyone will be at Tim's 2.

Anonymous said...

I’ll be out in the morning.

Helen said...

Great. See you at 8 at Tim’s.

Susan said...

Confirming - I'll join you too.

Anonymous said...

I’ll be at Tim’s 2 at 8am, who’s joining me.

Susan said...

I'll be there on Thursday morning. See you then.

Helen said...

Count me in for Thursday at 8.

Lynne said...

I'm hoping to be out in the morning but if I'm not there don't wait for me.

Jan said...

I'll be out tomorrow morning

Susan said...

Sorry to say that I can't join you after all. Someone coming to the house at 8:45 so need to stay home. Hope to see you Saturday.

Lynne said...

I'm coming this morning