Thursday 10 September 2020

Walks - Saturday Sept.12, 2020


Walking has its perks

Join us on Saturday - there may be more than one starting place and time so be sure to check the blog comments before heading out.

Some will meet at Loblaws at 8:00 am. The spit is a great spot for social distancing and walking so it is most likely the destination of choice. Last week a small group of 2 and another small group of 4 walked from the spit. Another small group met elsewhere and walk. Lots of options.

Did you look up the two virtual races mentioned last week. I know some have expressed interest in the relay - Helen, Libby, Leverne are three folks that I know of.

Let me know if there is anything walking related that you want to add to the blog - it is your blog and your ideas, suggestions, inspirational comments go here: ........


Helen said...

I’ll be at Loblaws at 8 am for a walk on the Spit. Hope to have company.

Anonymous said...

I’ll be at the spit

Libby said...

Arlene and I plan to be at Loblaws at 8 as well. I believe Ruth has offered to guide so hopefully she will be there as well!?

Anonymous said...

So much of what I do now seems to be done "virtually", but I think guiding is one thing that is best done in person. So yes, I'll be at Loblaws tomorrow morning at 8.


Anonymous said...

Val, Eva, LouAnn and I will also be at Loblaws at 8 am Saturday morning.
*(Stacey may be joining us too)

Barb S.

Susan said...

I'll be a Loblaws also.

Olwyn said...

I won't be joining you ladies tomorrow morning, but have a great walk!

Jan said...

I'll be at Loblaws tomorrow morning

Lynne said...

I wish I could join you tomorrow for a walk but my 14 day self isolation starts now...see you in 2 weeks.

Lou-Ann said...

Welcome back Lynne...hope you had a nice time away and lots of family time!

Helen said...

On Thursday morning a few of us will be walking from my house at 8 am. 6K-ish. Let me know if you’ll join us.