Thursday 27 August 2020

Walks - Saturday Aug. 29, 2020

Looking fine

It is the final weekend in August and time to get out and move. Temperatures are starting to cool, well, at least some days....  Not sure who is walking and from where but please let others know in the blog comments. 

Several folks are going to be part of setting a new world's record.....sounds like fun:

From the website - There are 195 Countries & 7.8 Billion people on planet Earth. In 4.5 billion years, there has never been an event as epic as to bring this many people together on a live tracking app and live leaderboard.
For the first time in the history of running events, runners and walkers from around the world can compete against each other at the exact same time. On this day, you will be connected via our custom app and able to compete tens of thousands of people worldwide!
Why not sign up?  There's still time - World's Largest Live Virtual Run
From Helen: For the gang participating in the World’s Biggest Virtual Walk on Saturday:  will start at Loblaws at 8 am — we should probably get there earlier to be sure to start on time. It’s only 5K, but we can always walk further. She was going to suggest the Spit to at least the rocks. It might be busy, but at least it’s wider than the boardwalk.

For inspiration, here’s the medal Bob and Helen just received for our virtual Camino walk.


Susan said...

Okay - I talked myself into joining the big race. Registered for the Shore Things team. Will do the 5 km or whatever.....

See you in the morning - just before 8 at Loblaws.

Olwyn said...

I'll be doing the 5k with Cheryl and Trish in the morning; happy walking everyone; lets show them how it's done!

Anonymous said...

I'll be at Loblaws at 8 - and Olwyn, Cheryl and Trish will be there in spirit. Have a great walk.


Helen said...

I’ll be at Loblaws at 7:50 ready to go at 8 am, rain or shine.

Anonymous said...

Are we meeting at Loblaws at Gerrard or Leslie

Anonymous said...

I reread the post and see it’s at Leslie