Thursday 23 July 2020

Walks - Saturday July 25, 2020

Last Saturday's 8:00 am group

We are walking in smaller groups, starting in different spots, staggering the start times, and varying the routes - in other words, combining social distancing with exercise and friends. A win-win.

So join in on Saturday and please let others know where you are starting and at what time - use the comment section. Washrooms are open at Loblaws and along the waterfront. 

Norma and David have a great route - they inspired me to climb the stairs in Glen Manor ravine - a great way to get your heart rate up. Nature's stair master.

Anyone for Loblaws at 8:00 am?
The training group will likely have an earlier start .... they are a dedicated bunch - I am in awe.
Kew Gardens anyone?

Hope to see some of you out and about......keep safe everyone.


Helen said...

The Covid half trainees are doing 18 K on Saturday starting at 6:30 AM from Kim’s. But will be doubling back to her house by 8 AM to do the last 10 K of our walk. Anyone who wishes is free to join us. Just let us know that you were coming.

Anonymous said...

There's 3 sets of stairs in the Glen Manor ravine. I wonder if anyone has counted the number of steps on each stairway? David

Deanna said...

I volunteer to count steps on the way down David.

Lou-Ann said...

Won't be out tomorrow, will be walking from my house. Stay cool friends, miss being with everyone!

Lynne said...

I will be doing 10 k with the covid halfers from Kim's at 8 tomorrow morning.