Thursday 2 July 2020

Walks - Saturday July 4, 2020

Celebrating another (virtual) 10 km race
Well done

Folks, it is hot out there, very hot indeed. But I know that doesn't stop some walkers. I'll make a few suggestions for Saturday and ask that you check the blog comments as people announce their plans.

Anyone in for an early start to avoid some of the heat and the crowds? Do I hear 7:00 am? 7:30 am? And a few who might like 8:00 am?

Two starting spots might work: Loblaws (south entrance) and Kew Gardens (at Queen St.). 

I think there is a group that is training for a virtual half - please let others know your distance for Saturday (could it be 16 km?). My guess is that some would prefer to do less distance......just saying.

A short message from Eileen - she isn't able to join us for walks - she is, however, looking forward to joining for coffee when the tradition returns and current restrictions are lifted.

Social distancing is still important. Groups of up to 10 people can be together when outside. Thanks for respecting these COVID rules of the road. 

Keep well and stay safe.....and if you are feel comfortable and safe,  join us on Saturday.

Happy Anniversary


Anonymous said...

Hello everyone! Hope everyone is well. I have been doing my long with with Cheryl, Anita and Olwyn. I am headed out west to spend some time with Ali. Hope to be able to join you on Saturday mornings when I get back. Have been missing the gang. Stay safe. Stay cool. Stay hydrated.

Olwyn said...

Hi Everyone! I'm starting to work my volunteer shifts at the Toronto Zoo, as they have just opened up again, so I won't be out for a few weeks. (I will be social distancing from the lions and tigers and bears...!) Happy walking everyone and stay cool!

Anonymous said...

Val and I will be meeting at Loblaws for 8 am Saturday morning.

Barb S.

Susan said...

Have a wonderful visit in BC, Trish.

I won't be joining the group walks quite yet - still trying to limit my social contacts and exposure. Enjoy and have a great weekend.

Hope to see you soon.


Lou-Ann said...

Enjoy your family time Trish! I will not be out tomorrow, stay safe and cool everyone!

Helen said...

We have 12K scheduled starting at Kim’s at 7 am.

Lynne said...

I hope to be at Kim's at 7 for 12.