Friday 17 July 2020

Walks - Saturday July 18, 2020

Raining Day Walks

So nice to see folks are walking, albeit, rain or shine, heat or more heat. Occasionally, I cross paths with some as I stroll along - Helen, please send me the photo from Thursday - thanks.

The weekend is here and it is time to get moving. Loblaws or Kew Gardens? 7:00, 7:30 or 8:00 am start? Where is your starting spot, what time and who is walking with you? Let others know in the blog comment section. We are still restricted to groups of up to 10 people. 

Those training for the virtual half are working hard, nearing the end of their training and making us proud. I suspect they will have an early start and a long distance to travel. Good luck.

Looking forward to seeing you soon - take care - keep safe - keep moving. 


Anonymous said...

LouAnn, Val and I will be at Loblaws at 8 am Saturday morning.

Barb S.

Helen said...

This bunch of COVID-19 half trainees will be meeting at Stacey's at 6:30 am for our 16K. If anyone wants to join us for part of that, we'll be back at Stacey's at around 7:30 am to meet with Lynne, then continuing our training from there. Coming? Let us know.

Anonymous said...

COVID-19 half trainees are meeting at our house on Tuesday Morning at 7:30. 10k. Let us know if you want to join us.