Friday 10 July 2020

Walks - Saturday July 11, 2020

Refreshing on a hot day

The heat and social distancing restrictions continue to challenge us - time to show what we are made of. Let's get out and walk - even short distances are good. A group of committed walkers is training for a virtual half - I am in awe of you folks, especially in this weather - I assume you will arrange a very early start (7:00 am?). 

Saturday's options: 
1. Meet at Loblaws, south entrance. State your preferred start time (7:30 or 8:00 am?) in the comments section of the blog. Washroom is open at 7:00 am.

2. Meet at Kew Garden's (Queen just west of Lee). The advantage of this location is coffee in the gardens after the walk - lots of lovely outdoor space, plenty of shade and social distancing works well. Public washrooms are open along the waterfront. State your start time.

3. I understand that several people are not comfortable walking with a group yet. If you are looking for a walking buddy, let others know in the blog comments. You can always arrange the details between the two of you. 

Keep moving. Stay safe.  

A Sign of the Times


Helen said...

With rain forecasted for Saturday, some of us doing 14K are meeting on Sunday at 7 am, at Kim’s.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Kim - see you on Sunday bright(??) and early (!!)


Olwyn said...

Hi all, I'm hoping to do my long walk from Cheryl's tomorrow morning, rain or shine ~
Stay cool everyone, and hydrate!

Susan said...

I won't be out on Saturday - not just yet - enjoy your walks.

Anonymous said...

Val and I will be at Loblaws at 8 am this morning

Barb S.