Thursday 30 July 2020

Walks - Saturday Aug. 1

Our Half-Marathon Team

Our good looking half marathon team is looking good. I understand that Saturday is the big day. We wish you the best! The weather will likely cooperate, at last. Have a great race.

For others, consider meeting at Loblaws or Kew Gardens. Use the blog comment section to let others know your plans. Toronto is moving to Stage 3 of our reopening plan. I'm not sure if that changes your level of comfort regarding group walks. Personally, I will remain a tad on the cautious side, at least, for the next week or so.

All of that to say, I hope to see you out and walking in groups of 2 or 3 or 10 - whatever works for you. 

Enjoy the long weekend. Keep safe.

Lou Ann's walking buddy


Unknown said...

Have a Happy Half you wild and crazy virtual walkers!!!

Libby said...

Great work you virtual walkers..Enjoy your race

Helen said...

Thanks for the good wishes! We’ll be at Kim’s for a 6:30 am start on our COVID 21.1!

Olwyn said...

Thanks for the good-wishes; we;ll need them! I love Lou-Ann's walking partner...ribbit~! Have a lovely long weekend everyone; here's to Lord John Graves Simcoe!