Thursday 6 February 2020

Walks: Sat. Feb. 8 to Wed. Feb. 12

A little torture walking report from Costa Rica. Thanks, Jan!
We are strong, courageous, bold – and Shore Things. So let's suit up and show our stuff on Saturday, with a nice, sociable walk at 8 am from Tim's on Leslie at Lake Shore. It's our last before the MudCats Half training begins next week.

At the moment, the 8 am Monday and Wednesday group is tiny. Please read the comments for places and times this week if you're thinking of joining in. Yesterday, three of us beat the chill with 6K at the Dome. It was, as they say, better than nowt. 

For Wednesdays at 9 am, once again at Tim's, check with organizer Charlotte. 

Believe me, I know. It can be hard to motivate ourselves to get out in weather like this, but besides great company in our group there are great benefits, like those listed here and here

Race notes from Libby:

For this week, the training begins Monday for the MudCats Half Racers. A mere 3K Monday and 5K Wednesday. Let others know on the blog where and when you plan to train.

As always, let Libby know of any races you plan to enter!

Happy training!

Wishing all our intrepid world travellers a wonderful time. Please continue to torture update us!

A little more torture fine scenery from Barbados. Thanks, Sharon!
The Bajan version of the boardwalk.


Olwyn said...

Oh those beautiful photos of sun, sand, and no snow!! I'm working very late tonight, so probably won't be out tomorrow morning, but hope to be out next Saturday! Happy walking everyone!

Lou-Ann said...

Oh yeah Helen, make us feel guilty for not coming out and burning calories, bone mass benefits, arthritis benefits, etc., etc... Okay, I will be at Tim's in the morning for a walk as far as I get in the cold, then for a nice warm coffee! Thanks Helen for all the good info.

Anonymous said...

I will be out Saturday morning for a quick walk.

Barb S.

Lynne said...

Weather forecast says -20c with the windchill in the morning. Needless to say I will not be walking.

Helen said...

Well, yes, it will be cold, but I’d rather walk than not. See you at 8 am, in my winter walking cocoon.

Helen said...

Okay, change of plan. We’re going to walk the PATH on Saturday. Contact me if you’d like to join us. We have room for two in our car.

Anonymous said...

After 2 days of walking endlessly back and forth in less than stellar foot gear (Sorels) I think I am going to give my knees and hips a little bit of rest. Stay warm everyone.

Barbara Brown said...

I would like to join the Path group...should I meet you at your house, Helen?

Helen said...

Yes, please. See you tomorrow!

Helen said...

If anyone wants to join us for an 8 am walk on Monday, let me know. Place will depend on who's available.

Lynne said...

Unfortunately I have to go into the office tomorrow morning so won't be able to join you.

Helen said...

We’re wanting to walk on Wednesday morning. Anyone joining us at 8 am? Or join the 9 am group?