Thursday 16 January 2020

Walks - Saturday Jan. 18 - Wednesday Jan. 22

The Kindness Rock Garden

Bundle up and join us on Saturday, at Tim's, at 8:00 am. Remember, there's no such thing as bad weather; only bad clothes... Some may suggest an alternative meeting spot if it is slippery - watch the blog comment section for that. Last weekend, some folks walked the PATH and others walked from Tim's. Whatever works for you - just step out and join in.  

Mid-week options include:
On Wednesday mornings, a small group meets at Tim's at 9:00 am. Charlotte will send an organizing email.
Monday and Wednesday mornings, another group generally walks at 8:00 am - however, check the blog comment section to confirm the meeting spot and time - both vary. If the weather is iffy, the Dome at Monarch Park is the destination of choice - and the price is right - free.

Sunday - we wish Libby, Arlene, Ruth all the best as they complete the Robbie Burns 8 km race. I hope the weather gods are kind that day.

An event which we have added to the race calendar is "The Coldest Night of the Year" - a fund raising event for many charities. Any interest in forming a team and picking a charity to support? Feb. 22, at 5:00 pm. More information, a list of the current charities and registration can be found here - seems like a good cause:
Training for the Mud Cat starts in February. Libby has posted a training schedule so check it out. Thanks, Libby.

Now, back to the rock garden:  Thanks to Eileen for the discovery near Yonge & Eglinton and photos. Thanks to Helen for the background information:
Seems like a great project.


Olwyn said...

I won't be out tomorrow, as I'm doing some more training at the zoo. Happy walking everyone, and I love the messages from the rock garden!

Kim said...

I will be out at 8 for a walk.

Sharon KJ said...

I just don't know how to call this one. I think walking in the snow would be beautiful but the storm is supposed to kick it up a notch by the time we are ready to leave Tim's. It's the driving part I don't fancy.

If we're not there on time, don't wait for us. I am away for 3 weeks and so if not tomorrow then I'll see you mid-February.

Have a wonderful trip Stacey and Susan.


Deanna said...

I am away this weekend. Be safe. Hopefully it won’t be as bad as predicted.

Susan said...

Well, ditto what Sharon said. I plan to come and walk but will make a final decision in the morning once I see the what and when of the weather. I am hoping to beat the arrival of the snow and get 6-8 kms done.

Have a wonderful time away Sharon - sounds great.
Deanna - enjoy your weekend.
Olwyn - love to the animals.


Anonymous said...

I am hoping to walk, maybe we can beat the snow, I hear it’s supposed to start around 10

Helen said...

I’m thinking like Leverne. Would rather walk outside if we can. 6-8K sounds perfect. We’ll check in again tomorrow morning.

Anonymous said...

I’m hoping to come out in the morning too.

Barb S.

Lynne said...

I'll be out if I'm not snowed in.

Jan said...

Ditto for me- I'll be out depending on the weather.

Jan said...

Perhaps we should try the Queen to Dundas up and down route so we can scoot back quickly if it's too icy underfoot?

Anonymous said...

I will be at Tim’s at 8. Sharon has decided to stay home.

Barb S.

Helen said...

The snow will probably start when we do, but I’m game for a try. See you at 8.

Kim said...

Anyone walking tomorrow morning?

Anonymous said...

I’m willing to walk in the morning. Tim’s 2 at 8:00 or 8:15?

Susan said...

I'll walk tomorrow from Tim's 2 - see you then - either time (above) is fine with me.

Helen said...

Okay, Tim’s 2 it is. It will be cold, so have some face protection. We’re fine for either start time.

Kim said...

See you at Tim’s 2 at 8:15! If anyone disagrees with the time, please post.

Lynne said...

It's going to be too cold for me. See you when it warms up a bit.

Susan said...

Change of plans - Up too late - not setting my alarm clock - don't wait for me.

Jan said...

Between work and weather I think I'll pass on walking in the morning.

Kim said...

Are we walking from Helen and Bob’s tomorrow?

Helen said...

That was the plan, last I heard. 8 am?

Kim said...

Roger that.

Susan said...

Not able to join you on Wednesday - hope to see you Saturday. Enjoy your walk.

Anonymous said...

I’ll be there

Jan said...

I'll go